Sylvian Park

Sylvian Park is located at the corner of Jasper Street and Highway 1. The park is over 2 acres with playground equipment and play area.

In the fall of 1921, at the intersections of Jasper Street, South Main Street and South Marshall Street, a park was opened and it was a prideful improvement for that area. The area was originally a part of a pond that was on the Redmon farm.

In the Edgar County Court Record on December 12th, 1878, the City of Paris initiated a petition to condemn the land as it was required for water works purposes. Each of the Redmon’s: Georgina Redmon, Ora B. Redmon, George W. Redmon, Jr., and William G. Redmon, received compensation of $761.50 each for their share of the real estate or a total of $3046.00, for the three acres.

At one time, it was the source of water supply for the City of Paris. It had been used by the city for a water reservoir.

Paris is indeed grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sholem for Sylvian Park. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sholem, gave the city $2000.00 to landscape the park, and subsequently gave additional funds for improvements in the park. It was to be named Sylvian Park, named after his son, Sylvian Sholem. In October 1921, the name Sylvian was received for the park, with a stipulation that it was to be retained as a name by the city, so long as the use of the land was for park purposes.

The City Council on June 22nd, 1921, authorized the construction of a sidewalk around the park at a cost of $694.84. The City Council on July 5th, 1921, authorized construction of a sanitary sewer in Sylvian Park.

Sylvian Park is primarily a park for passive enjoyment. It is well landscaped with beautiful trees and shrubs. The park has two large tulip beds with 250 bulbs in each bed.

A large corner of the northeastern part of the park provides the site for the city water tower. A one-half million-gallon water tower. The water tower preceding the present tower had a capacity of 100,000 gallons.

The park is lighted at night with 12 globe type lights at the entrances.

Equipment in the park includes:

6 large swings

6 bucket seat swings

6 teeters

1 water hydrant

1 water fountain

1 flagpole

1 bicycle rack

3 picnic tables

24 park benches

1 storage room

Paris is indeed grateful to Mr and Mrs. Maurice Sholem for Sylvian Park.